Are you in crisis?
Are you in crisis right now? (New Zealand options)
If you are in crisis right now, and intending to hurt yourself, please call 111 and ask for an ambulance.
If you are in imminent danger from someone/something other than yourself, please call 111 and ask for the police.
If you are in an emotional crisis right now and need to talk to someone, you can call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
Anxiety Helpline | 0800 269 4389 | 24/7
Auckland Sexual Abuse Help | 09 623 1700
Counselling Services Centre | sexual abuse & help within the Counties Manukau area | 09 277 9324
Depression Helpline | 0800 111 757
Family Violence Helpline | 0800 456 450 | 9am-11pm, 7 days
Lifeline | 0800 543 354, or text 4357 (HELP)
Need to Talk? | text or call 1737 | 0800 1737 1737 if the short code doesn't work
Rape Crisis | 0800 883 300
Safe to Talk | sexual harm helpline | 0800 044 334 | text 4334 | 24/7
Samaritans | 0800 726 666
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 828 865
Tautoko Mai | sexual harm helpline | 0800 227 233 (0800 2B SAFE) | 24/7
Women's Refuge | 0800 733 843 | 24/7
Youthline | age 12-24 | 0800 376 333 | text 234 | dm on Instagram | WhatsApp 09 886 5696 | 24/7
You can call Healthline on 0800 611 116, to find out the number of your DHB's Mental Health Crisis Team. If you feel someone is at risk of imminent harm, including yourself, you can find the appropriate number here.
Tāmaki Makaurau's Mental Health Crisis Teams (CATT) are below:
Northland | 0800 223 371
Auckland City | 0800 800 717
Rodney | 09 427 0360
North Shore | 09 486 8900
Henderson | 09 822 8501
Counties Manukau | 0800 775 222
There are also a number of helplines listed at the top of this page.
The Mental Health Foundation's list is on this page. has specific tools/help to support safety from family violence.
If you don't feel heard or supported by the service you are in contact with:
Life Matters will advocate for you, even if you are not based in Otago. This is what they said on a relevant Facebook post:
When presenting to services and you are turned away please contact Life Matters and we will advocate for you. When in crisis you need support and understanding. Seek help and make sure you get someone to advocate for you. Do not leave emergency services if you feel unsafe. Do not take no for an answer.
Text option for those aged 25 and under
If you wish to text and are 25 or under, Youthline accept text submissions at 234 (it's free to text them). You can email Youthline at or call them on 0800 376 633 (free from a landline).
What's Up accept calls from 5-18 year olds. You can call them on 0800 WHATSUP (0800 942 878).
Not in crisis?
If you are not in crisis, please get in touch and we can discuss a plan to develop new strategies in your life to help you achieve the life you deserve.
If your matter is police-related and not urgent, the best place to start is your local community police station. You can locate it here.